The above is what officials at the opening ceremony of Taipeiplas, the biennial show held in Taipei, are aiming for, ie, "not to be the world's no. 1, but Asia's no. 1 show." The officials also spoke about the construction of a new exhibition centre, juxtapposed to the current Nangang exhibition hall in Taipei, which is expected to be ready by 2016, with the 2018 show to be held there.
David Wu, Chairman of the Plastics & Rubber Machinery Committee, TAMI, was especially enthuasistic about the market. "The industry reached an annual production value of NT50 billion, in spite of the difficult situation facing the world economy, the sluggish US economy and Eurozone crisis," he said. He attributed the growth of the Taiwanese machinery industry to the especially fast sales of the latest iPhone 6 launched recently. "The machinery sold to Apple (the maker of iPhone 6) is 100% made in Taiwan. In addition, we have had orders for machines from Samsung, too," he said, adding that the growth in the electronics sector has provided a major boost to Taiwan's machine sector.
He also that the plastics machinery industry is second to the machine tools in Taiwan. "Over 80% is for the export market and the main categories include injection moulding, co-extrusion machines and blow moulding machines. In the last two or three years, the annual export value is US$1.3 billion." He also added that in spite of the difficult world economy, "the first half of 2014, the sector grew by 2.3%."
This year Taipeiplas boasts a record size of 530 exhibitors and 2,670 booths, up by 12% and 16% over the last edition, respectively. A total of 337 local companies and 24 Chinese companies plus 116 companies from countries around the world are represented at the show.
Meanwhile, invited guest Den-Yih Wu, Vice-President of Republic of China (Taiwan), speaking at the opening ceremony earlier in the day said the change happening in countries, especially the signing of individual free trade agreements (FTAs), will impact Taiwan's economy. "So we need to speed up efforts for regional tie-ups, to help to improve and better compete in the business arena. And we also need to expedite the building of the new exhibition centre," he said.
The officials also said that 16,500 buyers from 95 countries, including 13,900 from Taiwan and 2,600 from abroad, have been invited to the show.
Taipeiplas started today and will run from five days from 26-30 September.