Lead Feature

Lure of the Southeast Asian economies
As the year comes to a close, against the backdrop of the lacklustre economies of Europe and the US sorting out its "fiscal cliff" with some US$600 billion tax increases and government spending cuts due to begin in January, the attraction to invest in Southeast Asia, especially for the plastics sector, is expected to increase next year. Read More»Latest Headlines
Company News
BASF opens new CSB plant in Bahrain
Plastic additives firm BASF has opened a world-scale production site for customer specific antioxidant blends (CSB) in Bahrain, which will start production by end of 2012. Read More»
Materials News
Plant-based fibre debuts in auto seats
Japanese firms Teijin, Suminoe Teijin Techno and Nissan Motors have co-developed seat and interior trim surface using Teijin’s proprietary bio-based polyester fibre material. Read More»
Machinery News
Instron's HDT-VST Tester for high-temperature plastics
US-based testing tools manufacturer Instron has introduced the Ceast HV500 thermal tester featuring a temperature Read More»
PRA November-December 2012

In a climate of economic uncertainty, Southeast Asia is expected to weather the crisis and emerge as a model for growth-driven economiesCountry Focus:
Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines, MalaysiaProcessor
Tyre pyrolysis: an epic fail or a recycling nirvana?
DEVELOPED as a viable source for fuels, gas and char – as a substitute for carbon black, tyre pyrolysis, a method that heats shredded or whole tyres in an oxygen-free environment, is said to show promise for recovering scrap tyres. But like any other technology, the capital-intensive system has to undergo several overhauls to comply with environment regulations as well as produce marketable products. Read More»
Exhibition proves its mettle with new technology
THE recently concluded Fakuma show, held in Friedrichshafen, Germany, attracted an estimated 44,176 visitors, compared with 44,823 last year, which was a slight decrease of 1.5%. Nevertheless, with about 1,700 exhibitors from 35 countries no momentum was lost with the exhibits on show and technology proved to be the draw factor. Read More»