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JEC Innovation Award for 12 companies

During the first JEC Asia International Composites event, to be held 1-3 November, in Seoul, South Korea, 12 companies will be rewarded in several major application sectors: Aeronautics, Automotive, Construction, Marine, Racing car, Railway, Transportation, Wind Energy and Sports & Leisure. Like the rest of the world, the Asia-Pacific region is seeing major developments in carbon-SMC materials, lighter and safer cars and transportation systems, renewable energy, processes and raw materials. This could be seen through the numerous applications received in these topics.
“JEC Group strategy towards composites end-users appears to be truly appropriate when we notice all these industries represented in this list of winners. One can only notice that composites are now fully part of our everyday life and it is just the beginning,” says Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President/CEO.
The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 2nd, 2017 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea) in the conference room of JEC Asia level 1 from 3:30 p.m.
The 12 winners are as follows:
Railway - Korea Railroad Research Institute (South Korea) Railway sleepers using ultra-high-performance cementitious composites
Transportation - Omni Willig Carbon GmbH (Germany) Carbon Mini Tank for highly-corrosive materials
Automotive - Daimler AG (Germany)Multifunctional carbon SMC spare wheel pan
Racing Car - Epotech Composite Corporation (Taiwan) Lightweight body structure design
Aeronautics - Composite Technology Centre / CTC GmbH -An Airbus Company (Germany) Hybrid SMC technology for aircraft applications
Wind Energy - Arkema (France) Infusion thermoplastic resin for wind turbine blade manufacturing
Sports & Leisure - Chomarat (France) Thin-ply carbon NCF with visual stitching applied to an innovative windsurf board
Construction - Logelis (France) Composite sandwich panel for modular construction
Marine - Talon Technology Pty Ltd. (Australia) Carbon fibre/Kevlar hinge system
Raw Materials - OCSiAl (Luxembourg) Single-wall nanotube-based industrial predispersed concentrate
NDT & Monitoring - R-TECH Services Ltd. (UK) Acoustic emission system for the assessment of hydrogen tanks for fuel cell vehicles
Process - Textile For Life Co., Ltd. (South Korea) Industry 4.0 robotic braiding factory
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