Expansions: Technip Energies’s contract for Neste’s refinery expansion in Rotterdam; Borealis starts up ethane cracker at jv plant in US

Engineering consultant Technip Energies says it has been awarded a significant contract by sustainable materials firm Neste for the expansion of its renewable products production capacity in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as part of the existing Partnership Agreement between Technip Energies and Neste.
The contract covers Engineering, Procurement services and Construction management (EPsCm) for the expansion of Neste’s existing renewables refinery in Rotterdam which will increase Neste’s overall renewable product capacity by 1.3 million tonnes/year.
This contract follows the Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) delivered by Technip Energies in 2021.
The production process is based on Neste’s proprietary NEXBTL technology, which allows the conversion of renewable waste and residue raw materials like used cooking oil and animal fat waste into renewable fuels.
Bhaskar Patel, SVP Sustainable Fuels, Chemicals and Circularity of Technip Energies, stated: “We are pleased to be entrusted once again by Neste for the expansion of their renewable products production platform in Rotterdam. This award relies on our long-term collaboration, illustrated by the successful delivery of two world-scale renewable products refineries in Rotterdam and Singapore and the ongoing expansion project of Neste’s renewable products refinery in Singapore. We are committed to make this project a success as we share a common vision of accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future, using technological advancement as a key lever.”

Meanwhile in other news, Bayport Polymers LLC (Baystar), a 50/50 joint venture between Austrian chemical firm Borealis and TotalEnergies, has started up commercial operations of a new ethane cracker with a production capacity of 1 million tonnes/year of ethylene.
This almost US$2 billion project is built on the site of the TotalEnergies Refinery in Port Arthur, Texas.
The ethylene produced by the cracker will be used as feedstock to supply Baystar’s existing polyethylene (PE) units, as well as a new Borstar technology PE unit currently under construction in Bayport, Texas.
The start-up of the new ethane cracker is an important milestone for Baystar becoming a fully integrated polyethylene company. The focus is on growing the polymers market in North America and leveraging the power of partnerships.
The Baystar jv is the translation of the growth ambitions of Borealis and TotalEnergies in the US. It includes:
- The Baystar site in Bayport, Pasadena, Texas – with a 400,000-tonne/year PE capacity.
- The 1 million-tonne/year ethane cracker at the TotalEnergies Port Arthur Refinery, which now has successfully started operations.
- The under-construction 625,000 tonnes/year PE unit in Bayport, using the Borealis proprietary Borstar technology to deliver a broad range of products to help meet the growing global demand for plastic products. The Borstar process offers simultaneous improvements in production flexibility and environmental performance such as high energy efficiency. Furthermore, Borstar products allow for light-weighting and by enabling incorporation of more than 50% post-consumer recycled materials in some end products.
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