T-Plas 2023 highlights a new special zone for recycling solutions

Building on K2022 highlights on topic s relating to recycling andsustainability, the new Recycling Solutions Zone at T-Plas will be a spotlight platform for knowledge and expertise exchange between local and international companies committed to circular economy building efforts through implementation of advanced recycling solutions for the plastics industry.
The plastics recycling sector development in Thailand and Southeast Asia is boosted by:
- Development of recycling technologies – Sorting infrastructure, separating and processing of different types of plastic, new applications developed through 3D printing and composite materials.
- Sustainability commitment of manufacturers and producers – Raise manufacturers and producers’ responsibility in designing products that are easier to recycle and with minimal environmental impacts across the product lifecycle as part of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) programme.
- Promotion of a circular economy supply chain – Industry players’ awareness of circular economy as an economic system focused on weight elimination are driving new perspectives on recycling as an integral part of plastics manufacturing supply chain.
T-Plas 2023, the international trade fair for the plastics industry, will be held September 20-23 at BITEC in Bangkok. T-Plas, organized by Messe Düsseldorf Asia, will showcase the following product lines and will serve as a key business platform for global and local exhibitors in the plastics and rubber industries.
Product range: mixers, shredding technology, separation technology, washing technology, pelletisers, compounding lines, recycling plants , other equipment for pre-processing and recycling, recycled raw materials/recyclates, recycled plastic compounds.
Exhibitor profile: Manufacturers of high–tech solutions for waste processing, recycling facility operators, recycled plastic materials processors, representatives of government agencies and other businesses involved in plastic recycling services and technology providers.
Cost of participation:
Option A-raw space (min 18 sqm) at S$520/sqm
Option B-Basic shell scheme (min 12sqm) at S$620/sqm
Option C-Enhanced shell scheme (min 12 sqm) at S$720 per sqm
All rates shown are in Singapore Dollars; prevailing and additional charges may apply.
Invitation to present at the Recycling Forum
Participants of the Recycling Solutions Zone are invited to present their technical and market expertise at the daily onsite forum within the thematic zone. Submit your presentation proposal relating to plastics waste management and recycling technology development to tplas@mda.com.sg
(Press Release)
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