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September 2010
K2010 NEWS




Injection Moulding Asia

Resin for eco-friendly meters
Styron's Emerge PC 8701HH advanced resin, introduced in Europe and Asia-Pacific, is targeted at smart meters, which are electronic devices that enable consumers to monitor their energy use and increase their energy efficiency, thus reducing carbon emissions. With more than 250 million smart meters expected to be installed worldwide by 2015, their impact will be significant in the future.

A smart meter comprises of various components including the terminal block, which has direct contact with live wires and must withstand temperatures of up to 960°C. The casing of the smart meter needs to be tamper-resistant in order to prevent metering fraud. Traditionally such parts have been produced using different materials, leading to a more complex specification and production process for smart meter producers.

Emerge is a glass-reinforced ignition-resistant polycarbonate designed for both the terminal block and the case and internal parts. It offers high heat resistance that exceeds current standards and industry requirements plus also meets all the requirements and specifications for the casing, with aesthetics, a new requirement for smart meters. The use of one product for these different parts simplifies the production process for smart meter producers and can lead to reduced costs. Styron's technical experts developed the new grade in order to meet the requirements defined by the Italian MR&D Institute.

Styron's portfolio of other products tailored for various smart meter parts include the Emerge PC 8330 or the Calibre 303 series that allows for the production of the clear windows that provide consumers with the data they need to make the right decisions about their energy use. Emerge PC 8230 is another grade that manufacturers can select to use to create smart meter casings with a tough, tamper-resistant exterior housing. All of Styron's products for smart meters use iflame retardant technology.

In contrast to traditional gas and electric meters, smart meters are able to transmit and receive data, to and from the energy suppliers. Since they provide a digital display of the total power consumption, its approximate cost and the carbon dioxide emissions, smart meters are expected to motivate consumers to adopt a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

The US has set the ambitious goal to reach a 55% penetration of smart meters by 2015 and the European Union has issued the 20/20/20 directive to achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a 20% increase in renewable energy and a 20% reduction in energy consumption by 2020, including a goal to replace 80% of electric meters with smart meters, says Styron. All this should bode well for its new resin.

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